Some "host families" greeted the Ukrainian delegation upon their arrival at the Toledo airport on 7 November, then we all met for a brief orientation at Sally and Fred Vallongo's house. Here we all are, visitors and hosts, getting acquainted, starting our great adventure. Elizabeth Balint and Victoryia Maryamova of the GLC, who did so much to keep us together and provide an incrredible learning experience, and Rep.Marcy Kaptur who made the Open World program possible, are also pictured. |
One of the best things about the Open World program is the chance for local residents to "host" international visitors. We began with some trepidation, interested but not knowing what this "hosting" would entail. We ended by agreeing, with lots of enthusiasm, that the experience was fantastic. New friendships were formed, strong bonds that will last forever. "These women are amazing," Sally Vallongo noted with some awe, speaking for all of us.
Tamara, Sally & Fred Vallongo |
Beth Anne Varney & Vera at Karen's house |
Gary Varney at his house with Vera and Natalia. |
Diane Kalb hosted our Burtyn guests, Stanislava and Antonina. Diane has a large home and loves to entertain. She had plenty of opportunity to do so. She was delighted that Rep. Marcy Kaptur came to visit one night. "I was with a group of friends, my Bible study group. Boy were they impressed that Marcy came knocking on my door!" Diane provided some huge and delicious dishes for our potluck farewell party at the Sylvania Heritage Museum, too. What a host! Slava and Antonina also spent a few nights with Ukrainian-American hosts in Grand Rapids, Ohio, enjoying vists through the town and to the zoo.
I'm sharing a Sylvania bench with Karen and Tonya. |
Karen Irion Tank hosted Tonya from Starobelsk; they adored each other from the start. Karen is a pianist and piano teacher and Tonya sings. One night at a gathering at Karen's home, Tonya sang an Edith Piaff song, accompanied by Karen. Talk about an"exchange"! So moving. Karen was enthralled with her guest. "She's a philosopher! We can talk about everything. She is thoughtful and talented." One of Tonya's talents is cooking, and like Vera, she made her host a delicious red borscht. Karen was thrillled to be a host. "It enriched my life," she said. "I will miss Tonya." Their bond is deep and heartfelt.
In the middle between Vera and Natalia, in my living room. |
Natalia in front of my apartment house on Main, Sylvania. We couldn't believe it was true! |
Daughter Michelle, grandkids, & Mike Stein, Philip's granddad, who dropped him off to play with his cousins.. |
At TMA cafe. |
She met my family. Elissa was around for meetings and greetings, at Laura's Russian class, at a farewell reception at the Sylvania Heritage Museum. We paid a special visit to Michelle and her kids, and to my granddaughter Julia and her son Philip. Natalia had heard so many stories, and now she got to meet my kids and grandkids, in person. How unbelievable. "I didn't have hope I would ever come here," she said. "But now I do. I have hope." And of course we went shopping, to the Mall, to Marshalls, Gabes, Clothes Mentor, to this store and that. She had a blast finding great "bargains." It was a side of Natalia I hadn't known in Starobelsk. Of course there aren't many big stores there either!
Natalia with Laura, daughter Elissa, artist Martin Nagy, who taught the girls at Maumee Valley and is active in GLC and the Hungarian Club. It's a small world! |
In front of the old Cary family home on Robinwood in the Old West End of Toledo. Natalia loved it. |
Natalia, Tonya, Vera, last night in Sylvania. |
TMA! After a walk through the OWE. |
Shopping, and more shopping. |
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